Below is the code to set the env patameter : MARIMO_OUTPUT_MAX_BYTES= boto_client.get_parameter(Name=os.getenv('MARIMO_OUTPUT_MAX_BYTES'), WithDecryption=True)['Parameter']['Value']
I am running multiple marimo notebooks using below code "# import marimo #from starlette.applications import Starlette import uvicorn
Create your Marimo ASGI app
server = marimo.create_asgi_app()
for dashboard in app_config.DASHBOARD_MENU: for name, path in dashboard.items(): server = server.with_app(path=dashboard['path'], root=dashboard["root"])
Create a Starlette app and mount the Marimo ASGI app
app =
if name == "main":, host="localhost", port=2718) "
when I set MARIMO_OUTPUT_MAX_BYTES=1500000 while executing I am getting "'MARIMO_OUTPUT_MAX_BYTES' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file."